We are the Cheese Twins, 6’6” trained cheesemakers, California surfers and stars of Food Network’s Chopped and Great Food Truck Race. Prior to Food Network fame, we bumped around France, Switzerland, Italy and the U.S., making and aging cheese on more than a dozen farms. Why? So we could someday tell you (yes, we’re looking at you) the answers to any and all of your cheese questions.
Today, we travel the U.S. and the world sharing our knowledge of cheese with live audiences, through digital media and Instagram. We do it because cheese is a story that needs to be told. Plus, cheese gives us an excuse to spend time together (we’re still twins, ain’t we?) and interact with millions of like-minded, food-loving people like you. As far as we’re concerned, our adventure has only just begun.
Brand Ambassadors
Let us promote your brand through live appearances on TV and at special events and by developing unique content for digital media, such as recipes and pairing tips. Not sold? We’re happy to provide examples of past ambassador work. Submit the form below or contact us directly at info@cheesetwins.com.
Live Appearances
Whether it’s leading a burrata making class for a roomful of high profile VIPs in NYC, emceeing the World Championship Cheese Contest in Wisconsin or guiding 200 wine bloggers through a wine and cheese pairing class in Walla Walla, we deliver high value insights and fun that is sure to entertain.
We’re waiting…
Send us an email at info@cheesetwins.com or fill out the form below. You can also reach us on Instagram @thecheesetwins. Looking forward to hearing from you!